DroiX Christmas Sale - Give the gift of Tech


  1. K

    Unable to save in PS1 games

    Hello, I set up the latest build for PCSX4ALL (21 Oct release) and I can't save in PS1 games, I tested on Crash Bandicoot 2, CTR, Silent Hill, Ridge Racer and Contra Adventure and no one let me save ("An error occured", "Cannot read the Memory Card", ....). Is there a new release of the...
  2. LastGo

    Can't launch FF IX

    Hello all, With my RG350 i can't launch final fantasy 9 from pcsx4all, i have tested some different format rom's (ccd, bin, pbp) but the better issue i have it's a black screen. Others PS1 roms works well. Do you have any way to launch it ? Thanks