
  1. N

    Custom Firmware 2.2 cannot add OPK files - Unsuppported Format

    Has anybody managed to add a new OPK beyond the ones bundled with CGW 2.2? I have tried to add amongst others vice (C64), uae4all, genplus, genplusgx and mame4all and for every one I get an unsupported format error. Am I missing a trick here?
  2. Dave C

    RG350 and RG350M firmware beta v1.1

    New beta versions of the firmware for RG350 and RG350M have been released. Among the changes are beta support for the HDMI output. You can find information on how to update the firmware on our guide at https://droidbox.co.uk/how-to/how-to-update-rg350-and-rg350m-firmware-with-opk/