
  1. Dave C

    RS-Plus series, RS-97 series and LDK series Custom Firmware 271019

    Find out more about the RS-97 Plus v2 here. Downloads You can find further information on the firmware for your device at https://github.com/retrofw/firmware/releases The old CFW is no longer supported and the above RetroFW is more recent and better optimised.
  2. Dave C

    RG-Plus v2+IPS, LDK, LDK Landscape, RS-97 v3.0 CFW 050819

    Find out more about the RS-97 Plus v2 here, LDK here and RS-97 Plus v3 Anniversary edition here. Downloads RG-PLUS V2, RS97 V3.0 - https://rs97.bitgala.xyz/RG-300%20RGV2%20RS97%20V3.0/RG-300_RG-PlusV2_RS97-V3.0-CFW-Comic-book.05-08-19.img.7z LDK Vertical -...
  3. Dave C

    LDK Retro Gaming Handheld Custom Firmware Install Guide

    You can find a guide on how to install custom firmware for the LDK on our How To at https://droidbox.co.uk/how-to/installing-custom-firmware-on-the-ldk-retro-gaming-handheld/