
  1. K

    Ethernet Problem

    i bought my q plus box about 2 months ago, it’s a really good box But there is only one problem, when I connect the Ethernet cable to the android box it works for 7 minutes than my apps would say no connection but on the android box WiFi settings it says it’s connected, how can i fixed this issue?
  2. B

    Xbox tethering

    Hi, I recently purchased a CS918 Android TV Box mainly for Kodi but after a bit of experimentation, it occurred to me that I may be able to use it to connect my Xbox One to the internet. It's a little bit complicated so here goes: My internet is provided through a hotspot called BT Openzone...
  3. R

    DroidBox not downloading?

    Hello all, My new DroidBox boots perfectly well and connects to wifi fine. Kodi opens fine and repositories such as Fusion and Wookie Wizard are present. However, after installing Wookie Wizard and locating it in programs, I am made to explore the file rather than running it as suggested in...