custom firmware

  1. N

    Custom Firmware 2.2 cannot add OPK files - Unsuppported Format

    Has anybody managed to add a new OPK beyond the ones bundled with CGW 2.2? I have tried to add amongst others vice (C64), uae4all, genplus, genplusgx and mame4all and for every one I get an unsupported format error. Am I missing a trick here?
  2. Dave C

    RS-Plus series, RS-97 series and LDK series Custom Firmware 271019

    Find out more about the RS-97 Plus v2 here. Downloads You can find further information on the firmware for your device at https://github.com/retrofw/firmware/releases The old CFW is no longer supported and the above RetroFW is more recent and better optimised.
  3. Dave C

    RG300 Custom Firmware v271019

    You can find out more and buy the RG-300 from https://droix.net/products/rg300-retro-gaming-console Downloads You can download the Custom Firmware for all RG300 models from https://github.com/retrofw/firmware/releases Changelog *Switched to new theme FontiGrid by S4i thanks *GMU mp3 player...
  4. Dave C

    RG-350 v1.5 firmware (Stable Firmware)

    Learn more and buy the RG350 from https://droix.net/collections/retro-gaming-handhelds/products/rg350-retro-gaming-handheld NOTE: Custom firmwares are installed at your own risk and break your warranty as they require the device to be opened. They should not break your device but software could...
  5. Dave C

    RG-350 v1.4 firmware

    Learn more and buy the RG350 from https://droix.net/collections/retro-gaming-handhelds/products/rg350-retro-gaming-handheld NOTE: Custom firmwares are installed at your own risk. They will not break your device but software could be unfinished, unoptimised or not work at all. DroiX provide no...
  6. Dave C

    Bittboy CFW v1.31 (new version numbering)

    Find out more and buy the Bittboy at https://droix.net/products/bittboy-v3-5-retro-handheld NOTE: We had a few customers asking why the screen backlight is flashing several times every so often. This is a new feature to inform that the battery is at around 10% charge left and to charge it up...
  7. T

    No TV Out for custom firmware

    I have got RS97 v3, and have got custom firmware installed. I got the custom firmware from the link below. https://jutleys.wixsite.com/retrogamers97-90/home The firmware works fine. However, I can't display the game in TV. I tried connecting the provided cable to TV set (which worked with...
  8. Dave C

    RG-300 (SNES v2 design) Custom Firmware alpha

    You can find out more and buy the RG-300 from https://droix.net/products/rg300-retro-gaming-console Please note that this firmware is for the RG-300 'SNES style' model as shown in the picture below. If you have the original 'Gameboy style' model then please use the firmware here. RG300 v2...
  9. Dave C

    RG-300 Custom Firmware 0030719

    This is the first release of the RetroFW Custom Firmware for the RG-300. Download at https://rs97.bitgala.xyz/RG-300/CFW Full/RG-300_RG-PlusV2_RS97-V3.0-CFW-Comic-book.03-07-19.img.7z You can follow our guide at...
  10. Dave C

    LDK Retro Gaming Handheld Custom Firmware Install Guide

    You can find a guide on how to install custom firmware for the LDK on our How To at https://droidbox.co.uk/how-to/installing-custom-firmware-on-the-ldk-retro-gaming-handheld/
  11. Dave C

    BittBoy FAQ

    This FAQ is regularly updated with any important information. Where can I buy the BittBoy and PocketGo? You can buy the BittBoy from DroiX at https://droix.net/collections/classic-gaming-handheld/products/bittboy-v3-gaming-handheld You can buy the original PocketGo at...