
  1. Mark Stradling

    OTA update clock issue

    Since "upgrading" to LibreELEC, the clock on my box work for a little while then stops. As I sit here now, it says the time is 23:10; whereas LE OSD shows the correct time of 23:45. Any one else having this issue? I've factory reset the box and re-installed the update 3 times, but always with...
  2. Fritz-69

    Incorrect display time on T8-S LED Panel

    I've noticed that when I duel boot into OpenELEC, the LED time is an hr slow. All internal local time settings are correct in OpenELEC @ Kodi settings, and when I reboot into android, it rectified it self. Only to change back when I reboot into OpenELEC. This is happening on both T8-S boxes I...