
  1. ChrisM

    Copying Files To/From LibreELEC Via Your Home Network

    If you use the LibreELEC operating system on your DroidBOX device, the post at https://goo.gl/spTzYN explains how to copy files to your device over the network. No extra hardware or software is required, a few minutes will see you copying to and from LibreELEC's file system (or attached...
  2. ChrisM

    LibreELEC Basics (How-To)

    Have a DroidBOX device with the LibreELEC operating system installed? Not booted into it yet? Tried, but got lost? https://goo.gl/N2FGKX will help guide you through connecting to the internet and other essentials, be it from the first run wizard, or using the LibreELEC Configuration program...
  3. ChrisM

    Kodi 17 on Older Android Devices

    (for those that missed the news here on this forum, credit given in blog post to forum members who posted first) If you have an older Android device running KitKat (4.4) then you may have noticed that the official Kodi app requires Android 5 or higher, if you want to install Krypton (Kodi...