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  1. R

    Retroflag GPi Case FAQ and help

    does the sd card come fully loaded with the games or is it blank?
  2. R

    RG-300 Custom Firmware 0030719

    thanks i thought fat32 and xfat32 was the same DOH works perfectly now thanks for getting back real quick as well
  3. R

    RG-300 Custom Firmware 0030719

    yeah i did all that but for some reason i still cannot access my external sd card i read on another place that u have to go to media folder but it only lists MMCBLKop3 nothing else any ideas?
  4. R

    RG-300 Custom Firmware 0030719

    brill how do i get games to run of the external sd card? do i have to make folders and then put the roms in?? i have done this but i cannot get them to show up on the rg300