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  1. F

    Kodi 15.2 wont download... Help

    Thanks, i ended up factory resetting my box as i couldnt even get kodi 14.2 back, after factory reset i got 14.2 back... Poss 15.2 (playstore said i already had it) wookie add on was there, droid box wizard was still usuable and worked to get majority of add ons back and now box seems to be...
  2. F

    Kodi 15.2 wont download... Help

    Im just about to add the wookie add on as when i origionally set up the box i used droidbox's own wizard, have reset the box so starting again as couldnt even reinstall kodi 14.2 . thanks
  3. F

    Kodi 15.2 wont download... Help

    From the blog, i tried to download something else , droidmarket, from the blog but that has not worked either, it just sits in a queue then says unsucessful
  4. F

    Kodi 15.2 wont download... Help

    Hi all, very recently my kodo14.2 hasnt been all that jazz so today i decided to upgrade to 15.2 , however, after following the video guide and uninstalling 14.2 im now stuck and 15.2 seems to be getting blocked. Everytime i try to download its says starting download, then it says its queued...