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  1. M

    problems with TS-8 / KODI 15 4k replay over long latency links

    thanks for the update Silently. Meanwhile, I have some more test results and a much more precise 'problem definition' with respect to the replay of high rate video over 'long latency' links. IFF you over-ride the DefaultSend/ReceiveWindow parameters on both W7 server and W7 player, then the...
  2. M

    problems with TS-8 / KODI 15 4k replay over long latency links

    Hi; I am unable to get good replay of 30Mbps average / peak 63Mbps 4k video streams over a test network that has been verified to deliver ~90Mbps, with no packet loss and RTT of approx 20msecs. Server and player have been checked with direct ethernet connection (limited to 100Mbps by the...