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  1. M


    I've had to system restore my droidbox but now cant find showbox to download could anyone tell me where I can find it please?
  2. M

    droidbox not working again, xbmc blank screen/showbox etc

    BTW I would like to watch the channel 4s series "hunted" any suggestions?
  3. M

    droidbox not working again, xbmc blank screen/showbox etc

    Hello everyone sorry its been a while ive been really really ill with a virus, on the mend now fingers crossed. I reinstalled wookie, it works great but theres no background pic now its all black but apart from that seems to work. I have a droidbox t8 s showbox version 4.26 touch wood...
  4. M

    droidbox not working again, xbmc blank screen/showbox etc

    Afternoon, Right I've checked my internal storage and its only about a third full, Today's new problen is I can now go into my xbmc the only problem is my wookie stuff has disappeared and its showing me a very basic yellow and grey screen with the words "" and "kodi" beneath...
  5. M

    droidbox not working again, xbmc blank screen/showbox etc

    Right this droidox thingy is really beginning to get on my t*ts. Do they ever just work properly? sometimes they works great then at other times nothing, they are so hit and miss and I'm not doing anything differently, its about a lucky as flipping a coin. Today's dilemmas are that my xbmc is...
  6. M

    4OD app not working

    Hi I've just recently installed the BBC iplayer app and it works fine, I've installed the 4OD app and it doesn't seem to work, it tells me I have a connection error. Has anyone else had this and how do you sort it? Thanks.