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  1. David Savage

    Gt pro coreELEC green screen issue.

    If anyone has this issue please follow these simple instructions. 1 go to coreELEC configuration, click here. 2 scroll down to updates on the left side, now change Automatic updates to manual. 3 now scroll down to Available versions, and click here. 4 click and install 9.2.1 version and when...
  2. David Savage

    Genesis gone

  3. David Savage

    Happy Holidays

    Just would like to wish everyone a happy Christmas and best wishes over the holiday season. Hope I've helped over the last 12 months, and hope I've got more right then wrong. Also thanks to the members that have helped me aswell, some very helpful people give there free time to help on this...
  4. David Savage

    New LibreELEC 7.0.2

    As you know droidBOX have updated there boxes from OpenELEC to LibreELEC. If you are one of the few who are having some motion judder, I've done this and it works for me. 1st go to system and then Video, now go to Playback, on your right you will see Adjust display refresh rate...set this to On...
  5. David Savage

    Renegades is back

    Here's a link if you liked this add-on before you will need to add the add-ons to it, but it looks nice. You can change the backgrounds to. https://seo-michael.co.uk/tutorial-how-to-install-setup-renegades-sky-epg/ Does take time to set up.
  6. David Savage

    Evolved add-on

    Check this out its pretty good.. https://seo-michael.co.uk/how-to-install-evolve-kodi/ Enjoy
  7. David Savage

    Cypher project

    Here's how to install this add-on, follow the link below... http://tutorial-iptv-xbmc.blogspot.co.uk/2015/09/project-cypher-tv-add-on-for-kodi-xbmc.html Enjoy
  8. David Savage


    Hers another add-on you might like to try.. http://tutorial-iptv-xbmc.blogspot.co.uk/2016/05/geordie-tv-addon-movies-tv-shows-on-kodi.html Enjoy
  9. David Savage

    Money Sports

    It's back follow the link below.. https://seo-michael.co.uk/tutorial-how-to-install-money-sports-video-add-on-kodi/ Enjoy
  10. David Savage

    Vader TV

    Here's another add-on which I haven't tested yet, but been told is good. h**ps://seo-michael.co.uk/how-to-install-vader-streams-kodi/ Enjoy MOD EDIT: Check below - https://droidboxforums.com/posts/20758/ . If you still want to check the page, change the ** to tt in the address above.
  11. David Savage

    LWS live.

    Here's another live add-on with all good links...so I've been told. https://seo-michael.co.uk/how-to-install-lws-sports-kodi/ If you like UFC and boxing here's some good links to try for Saturday fight. https://seo-michael.co.uk/where-to-watch-ufc-boxing-ppv-live-events-kodi/ Enjoy
  12. David Savage


    There's the new URL for this add-on, you need to add this in file manager as a new source. h**p://njmweb.we.bs/NJMSoccer Replace ** with tt Then add a name....and click done. After its installed go to system then install from zip and go to the name you gave it. Now click on it and go to...
  13. David Savage

    Best so far.

    https://seo-michael.co.uk/best-tv-show-addons-kodi-2016/ Here's a list of add-ons, just click on the ones you want for how to install it. Enjoy
  14. David Savage

    Movie 14

    Here's a new add-on from the Muckyducks repo...Here's a link https://seo-michael.co.uk/tutorial-how-to-install-hd-movie-14-kodi/ Enjoy
  15. David Savage

    Playon update

    I'm getting a message to say there's an update on my device. Is there a way to do this as there's know info on this device on your site or YouTube. Thanks
  16. David Savage

    Surikata TV

    Here's an add-on with loads of different things on...enjoy http://tutorial-iptv-xbmc.blogspot.co.uk/2016/01/install-surikata-tv-addon-for-kodi-xbmc.html Dave
  17. David Savage

    1080 Movies

    Here's a new add-on by Metalkettle and is found in there repo. Here's a link with where to find it or install the repo. Has loads of 720 and 1080 movies..... Enjoy https://seo-michael.co.uk/tutorial-how-to-install-watch-1080-kodi/
  18. David Savage

    Xunity new URL

    If you have this repo it worth updating this in file manager to keep things running smoothly. If you don't have it then this link will show you how to... https://seo-michael.co.uk/how-to-install-xunitytalk-repo-xbmc/ Enjoy
  19. David Savage

    DNA tv

    Here's another IPtv link seems to be ok....so I've heard. http://tutorial-iptv-xbmc.blogspot.co.uk/2016/01/dna-tv-add-on-for-kodi-to-watch-world.html Enjoy
  20. David Savage

    Velocity add-on

    Here's a new add-on for you, all instructions how to install it are in the link. Check first that you already have the repo installed under 'install from repository'. https://seo-michael.co.uk/tutorial-how-to-install-velocity-kodi/ Enjoy