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    Warning about TVADDONS

    If you have got the 13 Clowns Repo installed you may want to take a look at this. https://koditips.com/13-clowns-repos-hacked-tvaddons/
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    LCD Clock

    Hi, Just setting up a T8 SE for my parents and noticed the LCD clock on the front of the box is very dim not like my other T8 models, is this how it is supposed to be on the T8 SE. Thanks.
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    Repo and Addon News

    Hi, If you are having trouble with some of the popular repos and addons this may be the reason why. http://koditips.com/colossus-repo-gone-urlresolver-offline/
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    Metalkettle (Heads Up) Warning.

    Hi, If anybody still has the Metalkettle repository installed on there box you are advised to uninstall it. http://koditips.com/uninstall-metalkettle-repository/
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    Live Lounge

    Hi, A very good app for sports, Inside 4ndroid has just updated Live Lounge sports section, when you install it select settings then select your preferred player eg (mx player) press back and the sports section will appear. http://i4pro.co.uk/website/Android.htm
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    Kodi updated

    Hi, Kodi has been updated to 17.4 http://koditips.com/kodi-17-4-download-bugs-fixed/
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    Not Sure

    Hi, New addon by the Fire Tv- Guru, all-in one addon, it's even got Mobdro in it's Live Streams section, you may need to click the Mobdro links twice. https://kodiapps.com/how-to-install-not-sure-on-kodi
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    Kodi 17 on 4.4.2

    Hi, Here is another fork, Kodi 17 on android 4.4.2. This is from the vdubt25 tech 2 guides site, installed it on my old T8 box running 4.4.2 and is working fine. https://www.tech2guides.co.uk/how-to-install-kodi-17-on-android-below-5-0/ It's also now in the Ares Wizard under Browse Addons (...
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    Boxing Hits

    New boxing add-on look's pretty good for boxing fan's. http://bestforkodi.com/guide-install-boxing-hits-kodi-addon-repo-live-highlights-replays/ If you have got the Community repo you can get it from there.
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    Show-Box in Kodi

    Hi, New add-on from Mucky Duck, to watch TV Shows in HD. Trending Netflix Original series. Recently Added Episodes. Trending TV Shows. All Shows. If you have got his repo you can install it from there. If not here's how to add it...
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    ES Explorer Pro

    For people who use ES File Explorer (file manager) alot , you can get the Pro Version for only 10p from the playstore today.
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    I Think somebody needs a mention.

    I would just like to say well done to Nigelar for over 1.ooo messages on this forum helping people. PS, keep up the good work.
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    Primewire (1 Channel)

    If anybody is having problems with this add-on, there is a new Custom Domain. h**p://primewire.filespook.com replace ** with tt
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    Wookie Pro Users

    A statement for wookie pro users.
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    Wookie and 15.2 final

    Hi, Just a little query, installing wookie.It does the two 100%, I dont get the option to press ok then pull power cord, just goes back to homepage,everything installs perfect,is this new in 15.2 .
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    New (iptv add-on)

    Streamstorm.tv. usa/uk/sports/movies/premium/kids/.Get the repo here. https://seo-michael.co.uk/tutorial-how-to-install-streamstorm-tv-for-kodi/