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  1. Y

    M6 won't get past boot up

    Hi guy's i seem to have the same problem as a few others and could really do with some help to cut a long story short my m6 box was acting up so done a factory reset via tooth pick method all started fine then screen went blank i waited five mins and nothing so unplugged power to start agine...
  2. Y

    Linux Software

    same minds think alike used a bootloader to push the box into recovery then down loaded firmware listed on this site worked a treat, although its a slightly different version i have had to download kodi and now have to reinstall everthing. thanls for your help
  3. Y

    Linux Software

    Hi guys dose anyone know if you can remove linux from your android box and put the original firmware back on as i have mistakenly put the wrong linux firmware on my m6 and now the remote will not work