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  1. M

    Anyone got Sports Donkey??

    Ive got sports donkey via wookie pro and although there has been a few problems of late it has been great. The $50 lifetime is a bargain and imo better than hqzone hands down. The problem is actually buying the wookie pro via bitcoin but its do able if you follow their guide. It even works on...
  2. M

    DroidBOX unresponsive to remote control

    To check infrared transmission on any remote, i get my phone and select camera then aim it at the remote led and you should see the infrared light up every time you press on a button on the remote. This should determine if its the transmitter or the receiver at fault. Hope this helps.
  3. M

    Brightness control

    Yes mate but uninstall spmc first if you currently have gotham installed.
  4. M

    Brightness control

    Download the apk from here https://github.com/koying/SPMC/releases/download/14.2.0-spmc/spmc-armeabi-v7a_14.2.0.apk Its in beta stage at the moment but its wirking great for me on my X7.
  5. M

    xbox 360 wireless controller?

    Sorry, replied too early this morning. The xbox360 doesnt use bluetooth but RF. hope this clears it up
  6. M

    X7 No brightness or contrast controls

    http://droidboxforums.com/threads/brightness-control.2632/ This will help you out mate.
  7. M

    xbox 360 wireless controller?

    It is not possible to connect an xbox360 controller as the bluetooth protocols on android have changed since kitkat OS. What i did is to buy a PS3 wireless controller (you can get these for about £15 or under at cash converters/generator new). Google sixaxis apk and install it and follow the...
  8. M

    Brightness control

    I tried the SPMC 14.2 and now it shows the brightness and contrast controls in the movie reel. Its strange it doesnt give me this option in kodie 14.2. On a side note, if anyone updates their spmc to 14.2 make sure you untick rklibstagefright otherwise the playback will give you vertical lines...
  9. M

    Brightness control

    http://tinypic.com/r/2yo8s53/8 Here what shows in the moviereel options. As you can see brightness nor contrast are shown mate
  10. M

    Brightness control

    Iam also using 14.2 but when i press the movie reel i get a list of options but not brightness contrast
  11. M

    Brightness control

    Hi david I still cannot find any of those controls using either skin
  12. M

    Brightness control

    Hi David That option does not show on 14.2 mate.
  13. M

    Brightness control

    Hello I am running kodi 14.2 but i could do with brightness/contrast control as its abit dark watching for eg tv shows in genesis. I have tried looking in the android settings but i cant seem to find it. Any ideas please
  14. M

    Emulators help

    Hi I have a X7 and wonder if anyone has had any luck with emulators. I cannot get dolphin to launch any games (black screen then back to dolphin), PS2 needs bios but dont know where to unzip to. Xbox not working at all. Any success anyone?
  15. M

    Downloading to USB

    I mean changing the default download path from android device to my external usb stick. Im downloading roms but i havent got enough internal storage to download the roms.
  16. M

    Downloading to USB

    Hello Anyone know of a way to download to my USB stick automatically instead of the android device? Thanks
  17. M

    Game controller help

    Hello Has anyone had any success connecting a ps3 or any other controller to play games via emulators. I have tryed the wii and xbox 360 controller but the android version of 4.2.2 bluetooth protocols was changed in this version and i cant pair a controller. Any ideas please.
  18. M


    If i have a problem thats not really a droidbox issue as such i always try google anyway.
  19. M


    I see no sarcasm in his post. Perhaps you should chill out mate as he is only trying to help you.
  20. M


    Same for me