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  1. P

    Linux Software

    Hi Silently just tried the above using FileZilla and just can not enter in to box had the doidbox ip address OK, even sent a ping to box and received back 4 OK pings back but can not get into box tried it on an old M3 box and have gained access to root using the root and letmein so i am stuck...
  2. P

    Linux Software

    hi silently keep up the good work i think we will get there soon i will try next week and have a look too
  3. P

    Linux Software

    Thanks Silently :)
  4. P

    Linux Software

    No Problem i wait for you to find good luck :)
  5. P

    Linux Software

    Any luck on the procedure for deleting add-ons
  6. P

    Linux Software

    Hi Silently thanks for the replay, 1) No i don't think it was deliberate step it just i thought i would let you guys know as you know you can add then via wizard if needed 2) yes i have changed the skin but the one it loads is just very boring :confused: 3) i think i am going to need a...
  7. P

    Linux Software

    HI Silently thanks for the link to software installed fine just a few questions 1. why dose it add the adult repo to the settings i think this should be address. 2.The standard skin why dose it have to have the most stupid back ground picture on it droidbox logo 3. also i have so meany add-on...
  8. P

    Linux Software

    Thanks for the replay Silently no problem
  9. P

    Linux Software

    Hi Guys welcome back where is the linux software build for the IMX 6 can not find the link that was on old forum