Recent content by tommpd

  1. T

    Any new Dual Boot boxes available from Droix?

    Have to look into this. Sounds like a good idea
  2. T

    New box LibreElec compatible

    Very interesting folks I have been hunting down something like that also but can't find anything like that. I would have no problem paying more for it if DroiX made one because of the support that would come with it
  3. T

    H96 MAX X2 Firmware Link

    Thanks. How did I miss that comment lol
  4. T

    H96 MAX X2 Firmware Link

    Hi, I was thinking about getting one of these and was wondering if this firmware would already be installed on this device
  5. T

    LibreELEC 8.2.5 Kodi 17.6 Final T8-S Plus v1

    Is there any word of this becoming an OTA any time soon. The reason I ask is that I would like to keep my set up the way it is without having to start from scratch. I know you can back up but I would need someone to walk me through this procedure Sorry to sound daft
  6. T

    T8 SE Firmware links

    No worries Dave .Thanks
  7. T

    T8 SE Firmware links

    Hi, I have this model from December unboxed. Do I need to set it up before installing this firmware? Will it not be available through ota. What is this firmware for and is it necessary? Sorry for sounding a bit dumb
  8. T


    Thanks for all your help. I done a complete factory reset not keeping any settings or backups. Busy rebuilding and so far no problems. Running like a new box
  9. T


    More problems. Just turned my T8-S v 1 on and now not only does it reboot with no network but all that comes on is the dreaded blue island. Any help would be appreciated
  10. T

    Help with model name

    Good job, thanks. Just a quick question. Is there enough power from the usb to power the hard drive or would you need a external power source. Sorry for being a bit daft but I want to be sure before getting one.
  11. T

    Help with model name

    Thanks David, got myself one in the sale. Was looking at the spec's but it doesn't say if it takes a hard drive and if so can you just swap over from the T8-S v 1 as mine has started to reboot at start-up and then lose net connection. Just haven't the time to get it sorted as explained in...
  12. T

    Help with model name

    Sorry. Just seen the thread below
  13. T

    Help with model name

    Hi all. Looking for help with buying a droidbox. I have been trying to get a T8-S Plus V 2 but it comes up as a T8 SE. Is this a new model replacing the V2?
  14. T

    T8-S Plus v 2 stock

    Thanks to both for the quick reply
  15. T


    Thanks for the advice. I'll get on to it soon. Think in the meantime I'm just going to leave it on all the time. Heard it does no harm