Recent content by Ray(str)

  1. R

    Latest Update....Help!

    Panic over! All sorted...yeh! For the benefit of others, I would like to share my findings. I tried to do the update both on wireless and also direct with an Ethernet cable. Both FAILED at about 30%. I then got to thinking...is this because I was connecting through a TP Link extender? So I...
  2. R

    Latest Update....Help!

    Much obliged - Thanks Dave...…. I have tried to download the link onto my pc so that I can make the upgrade from an SD card but for some reason it says that EDGE can't download the file because of it's size. Instead, I get a splash screen to install and use MEGA DESKTOP CLIENT, which seems to...
  3. R

    Latest Update....Help!

    Your up late...Thanks pal! I'll take a look....bloody annoying but hopefully I'll get it sorted.....….. Thanks for the reply mate! Ray(str)
  4. R

    Latest Update....Help!

    Hi Everyone, I have tried to download the latest update for my box THANKS to Nigeler for letting me know it is available. Problem I am having is it won't go past about 30% and then the download fails. I have tried both on Wireless, and also Ethernet but no use. I have even tried at several...
  5. R

    Latest OTA?

    Wow...Thank you matee…..really good of you to let me know......hope you are well my friend!
  6. R

    Latest OTA?

    Really helpful....Can't Thank you enough! Thanks again fellers! Regards Raystr.
  7. R

    Latest OTA?

    Hi Nigelar… Hope you are well mate.....Thank You for your reply...…. Just to clarify: I am referring to the embedded Kodi within LibreElec, which is 17.5. I know you can install Kodi separately from the Playstore but that would run from within Android and NOT from within LibreElec. Is there any...
  8. R

    Latest OTA?

    Hi all, Can someone just clear up a small point for me please? My box (T8-S Plus) came with LibreElec 8.2.0 and Kodi 17.5 embedded. I am concerned that I am running an OLD kodi, instead of the better 17.6 but when I go to the OTA option nothing is available, and it reports unable to connect to...
  9. R

    I Feel Sad.....

    Interesting comment Toon - to be honest, we are between a rock and a hard place.....until they release a better build we are buggered mate! Ray.
  10. R

    Happy Holidays

    All the very best David mate......hope you have a fantastic time.....your help over the last year has been brilliant! Thank You! Ray(str)
  11. R

    I Feel Sad.....

    Yes, I agree Niko........I did suggest it but I think they are reluctant to do a swap. I am a little disappointed that I have to run on firmware that is 2 years old but at least it works now.... Once the issues have been addressed. Chris said, that once the problems have been ironed out, a new...
  12. R

    I Feel Sad.....

    Thanks David - All the very Best My Friend! Have a Wonderful Xmas - Nigel as well...cause he's helped such a lot too! Soon be 2017, eh.......spooky! All the best, Ray.
  13. R

    I Feel Sad.....

    OK - it will be a pleasure to close this thread now as I can report - "ALL SYSTEMS GO" Chris at Droidbox has done a fantastic job and has been determined to get to the bottom of my problem. Unfortunately, we have had to revert back to 2015 firmware but at lease I have perfect pictures...
  14. R

    I Feel Sad.....

    Hi all, just a quick update before I hit the sack...Warn Out! Been on line with Chris for pretty much all of today! He's worked his socks off trying to trace the fault with my box. Still not sorted but hopefully we will get there! For the record, he has bent over backwards to help me....just...
  15. R

    I Feel Sad.....

    Brilliant....a reply at last Hi Chris....can't thank you enough for your response...I was beginning to give up I'm afraid. You can always connect to my box if it will help - anyway, you know best.....will set up a chat on Monday as you ask.... This is a welcome relief, I was beginning to give...