Recent content by Pete Biddlecombe

  1. Pete Biddlecombe

    psx roms unable to work

    Can you guys PM me, I can shove it on a Dropbox link or something...
  2. Pete Biddlecombe

    Vice.opk help ...

    Yeah, i had a look here; http://vice-emu.sourceforge.net/vice_5.html#SEC31 & it kinda relates to it in section 5.5.2
  3. Pete Biddlecombe

    Vice.opk help ...

    hi synchro. i don't think there's currently a way to select rom path from the RG350 'desktop'. I just load up Vice, select the .d64 file from there....
  4. Pete Biddlecombe

    psx roms unable to work

    Sorry, not really - I started it... There was an MGS .PBP file (both discs/full game) pre-loaded on my pocketgo, so just copied that one across to my RG350...
  5. Pete Biddlecombe


    Hi Dave, Thank you for the info. Yes, I've seen the same, will have a play with the vice64 settings & take a look at any changelogs online for this support. Will grab an adapter off ebay (I really miss Maplin's!) & give it a go! Many thanks again, Pete.
  6. Pete Biddlecombe


    Hi all, Just wondered if anyone has successfully plugged a keyboard into an RG350? There's a couple of titles i'm struggling on Vice64 / Commodore 64 emu. The virtual keyboard is ok, but not quick enough when you need to hit a certain key immediately... Pete.
  7. Pete Biddlecombe

    psx roms unable to work

    Hi vsa, i'm new to the RG350 too, PS runs fine on mine. The emulator is already pre-configured within the internal SD card, so there's no worry or confusion with BIOS file, etc. I have my roms placed on the external SD card; sdcard/roms/PS. Then within that folder are unzipped folders...
  8. Pete Biddlecombe

    Loving the RG350....waiting for new PocketGo2!

    Loving the RG350....waiting for new PocketGo2!