Recent content by palpatine

  1. palpatine

    Thinking of purchasing one

    I didnt say netflix was a night mare it does work but I cant seem to update it so its probably a mod version
  2. palpatine

    Thinking of purchasing one

    Hi its not about the power. The droix is powerful enough to run many apps its just unfortunate that disney has developed a apk that supports this box. Netflix does work its just a modded version I think I'm not sure but it definitely works
  3. palpatine

    Thinking of purchasing one

    Hi I've just recently purchased this. What i'm releasing is that it depends what you want it for because I no longer heavily rely on kodi anymore. I want a device that supports all the main streaming services and unfortunately Netflix and Disney plus don't seem to cater for android boxes. Theres...
  4. palpatine

    disney plus

    Thanks Nigelar. I followed your instruction just awaiting a update.
  5. palpatine

    I bought this so I could use disney plus but it isnt compatable??

    I've been on youtube and one guy said that unless your android box has dolby digital then it wont work as there wont be any sound. By the way thanks sean ,im just gutted coz i bought this box specificaly to have disney plus.
  6. palpatine

    I bought this so I could use disney plus but it isnt compatable??

    Hi unfortunatly the update fails to install
  7. palpatine

    I bought this so I could use disney plus but it isnt compatable??

    erm how do i do that i forgot. ive gone into install from zip but it goes into load of folders
  8. palpatine

    disney plus

    I have downloaded a apk from apk support. but the version doesnt have any sound. It gives you options such as android version but the device option are all phones or tablets
  9. palpatine

    I bought this so I could use disney plus but it isnt compatable??

    Thanks always new i could count on you however i now get this error Hi ive added the repo but now i get this message playback on kodi requires at least version 2.44 of the inputstream adaptive addon
  10. palpatine

    disney plus

    Hi ive added the repo but now i get this message playback on kodi requires at least version 2.44 of the inputstream adaptive addon
  11. palpatine

    I bought this so I could use disney plus but it isnt compatable??

    Hi I phoned up and explained that my t8plus v1 isnt compatible with disney plus. I was told it was an old android 5 and new apk arnt compatable.I was advised to get the droix x3 as it was the upto date android and I would have many years of using new apks such as disney plus. Am I doing...
  12. palpatine

    disney plus

    does anyone no a moded version of disney plus as my droidbox t8 plus v1 is android 5 i think and disney plus doesnt work.The android markedt has a moded netflix version for simular reason. Thanks
  13. palpatine

    Browse workgroup smb1 using Kodi no longer works

    Hi could some one help me. I've always used Kodi to access my work group on my PC. Due to security updates window no longer allows you to browse smb1. I've read other forums and people have suggested manual typing the address in. What do I type? Also does it include the IP address if so I use a...
  14. palpatine

    Details and where to buy the DroiX X3

    Looks and sounds like a great little device