Recent content by azabhoy

  1. A

    T8 update problem?

    Cheers all sorted.
  2. A

    OTA Updater download error message

    Didnt need to back up, Updated Firmware and Wookie and Apps still there! Thanks for your help. Appreciated.
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    OTA Updater download error message

    Thanx for all your help. How easy was that. When you know how. You must get fed up with the same questions! Appreciated.
  4. A

    OTA Updater download error message

    If I put file on sd card and open updater will it recognise it and run from there? Do I have to delete wookie and Kodi data or can I keep it
  5. A

    T8 update problem?

    Can I ask is the file approx. 570mb. I have it in Dropbox so will put it on sd card.
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    help please

    Sorry for being a bit of a noob, if I download on box will it run automatically. If I put it on an sd or usb where or what do I use to run it!
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    help please

    I have it downloaded and in Dropbox. What now, where do I go to run it?
  8. A

    OTA Updater download error message

    David where do I run the update from. I have it in Dropbox. Do I run it from android or Kodi? I can't find a video on you tube! Can you provide a screenshot of location on T8 box. Cheers
  9. A

    T8 firmware update from today onwards

    Will the firmware update wipe Kodi and wookie from the device?
  10. A

    help please

    Can you provide a link to the T8 software update. The link on another post takes you to a site for "mega" storage app!
  11. A

    OTA Updater download error message

    How important is updating firmware as I have a pre June 15 T8 and am fed up install Kodi, wookie etc,. Will it wipe all data and have to be installed again? The link from to the T8 download software above takes me to an app called 'mega', is this correct and will I get file from there! Thanks
  12. A

    Just updated KODI to 15.2 version...what next though?

    After updating to Kodi 15.2 and installing Wookie, is there any way you can replace XBMC large icon with Kodi icon on main screen?
  13. A

    Advice needed.

    Changing to confluence allows you to operate keyboard as normal but when you change back to custom confluence it's was blank. Reinstalled and now search or keyboard functions won't even load. Having to switch back and fro? Hope there's a fix soon. Tried everything !
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    Please help just reran the wizard but now my username/password not working. I have bought 4 boxes recently and the last 2 have there own passwords. The first two were the same password but used in different houses. This was ok'd by Droidbox sales team. Now i cannot run the wizard on my own box...
  15. A

    Sports donkey

    do we get sports donkey add on for sports?