Recent content by angela

  1. A

    Rising Tides

    Hi, Have you tried going to install from repository and updating the Rising Tides Repo to version 1.0, then install the jsergio repo from the rising tides repo if you don't already have it, reboot kodi and check ResolveURL is version 5.0.28 To check ResolveURL go to > settings > system >...
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    TV shows gone

    Hi, You could take a look at this it may be what is happening to you. https://koditips.com/kodi-users-blocked-cloudflare/
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    Hi, I'm not sure about the T95Z box but on my boxe's it is > Settings > more settings > language and imput > then scroll down and you should see pointer speed.
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    Clock set

    Hi, you could try, in kodi in LibreELEC go to Settings > Interface settings > Regional > Timezone country > and select Britain UK
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    Warning about TVADDONS

    If you have got the 13 Clowns Repo installed you may want to take a look at this. https://koditips.com/13-clowns-repos-hacked-tvaddons/
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    Long press

    Hi, Have you tried putting you mouse in cursor mode, then move the arrow to the app you want to move then long press
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    Kodi 18 rc2

    Hi, I had the same problem with rc2 but the latest development build kodi 18 rc3 (Dec 6) now lets me install a repo from zip.
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    US PGA golf

    Hi, Have a look in the (The Loop ) addon Golf 24/7. or the (Man Cave) addon > sports > golf. The Loop repo > h**p://loopaddon.uk/loop Man Cave repo > h**p://kodi.mancavekodi.com replace ** with tt
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    Reset System on Librelec

    Hi, In my experience, if you reset system settings to defaults in LibreELEC you will lose your data in both KODI/DBMC on the android side of your box
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    Mobdro 2.1.1 home page is empty

    Hi, Mobdro has just been updated to version 2.1.2, and is working ok on a T8-S plus v1 box, Aiv1s try 2.1.2 to see if it works ok for you on your box.
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    perfect player and Vader

    Hi, Just go to Boom Media's youtube channel and try the perfect player fix to see if it works for you.
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    perfect player and Vader

    Hi, I thought you said in a different post Boom Media.
  13. A

    perfect player and Vader

    Hi, If you go to your resellers youtube channel there is a new fix for perfect player.
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    LCD Clock

    HI Dave, It's ok I'm not that bothered about a clock I was just enquiring because it's different from my other T8 models and to make sure it's ok, here is another photo not very well in focus.
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    LCD Clock

    Hi, It's very dim hard to make out at a distance, this is it next to my T8-Plus v1.