Recent content by aftos

  1. A

    USB flash disconnects

    Here i go again. This time with only good news :) I've installed the Gotham firmware and everything seems to work fine (settings also seem to be kepted even after rebooting the box). This time though i followed a different installing method, so i'm not sure whether the problem's fault was the...
  2. A

    USB flash disconnects

    Thanks SilentlyScreaming. I've just sent an e-mail. I'll try everything and, of course, i'll come back. By the way, yesterday late night, while searching the internet for this problem, i saw a post where it was saying that, for some reason, something killed the ntfs-3g process! Take a look...
  3. A

    USB flash disconnects

    Hi again, just returned here to say that after a very long research i couldn't manage to do anything. I tried all the above (from the links you suggested) but i've already knew that they wouldn't work because in my case the usb-stick is initially mounted normally as ntfs and after 2-3 seconds i...
  4. A

    USB flash disconnects

    Here i go again After half an hour or various tries, i came up with the idea to mount the usb stick manually. So, i ssh'ed to droidbox and listed the "/media" folder. Right above all files/folders there was a message about an error with my stick (can't remember the message now). So, i umount'ed...
  5. A

    USB flash disconnects

    Hi again. I'm back after vacation. Well... no! I still haven't managed to make this work! The usb flash mounts (and stays mounted) only if it's formatted to fat32. When i format it to NTFS, when i connect it a popup message shows up saying that the usb-flash is connected, but after 2-3 secsonds...
  6. A

    USB flash disconnects

    UPDATE: I flashed back to linux using the SDCard method (i always use this one). The files i used were: - DBX-MCE-16apr2014-frodo-amlinux-update.zip - factory_update_param.aml - recovery.img After finishing the flashing and rebooting, i waited for about 20 mins (as always) with the only...
  7. A

    USB flash disconnects

    1) Formatted USB flash to FAT32 (no quick format) -> no good 2) Tried a microSD (fat32) -> no good (i.e. same as flash: movie players from android can see/play from microSD but XBMC sees nothing) If I'm not wrong, i used the "DBX_1.1.5_220514.zip" from "Firmware Upgrade Instructions for iMX6...
  8. A

    USB flash disconnects

    Thanx for your reply. I'll try this when i get back home. By the way, i've seen the same problem with Raspberry Pi here: http://forum.stmlabs.com/showthread.php?tid=6558 and it seems to be a .conf file problem. I'm not sure if this is same as here though. Can you check it in the meantime? Thanx
  9. A

    USB flash disconnects

    UPDATE: I flashed to android.USB flash works with video players of android (mplayer etc) but when i open XBMC i get the same error. It seems that something is not set right to xbmc (?)
  10. A

    USB flash disconnects

    Hi all, after doing a wipe cache/factory reset on my iMX6 (MCE), i can't mount the usb flash and play a movie! When i plug it, it mounts normally (i can also see it's size in file manager), but after 3-4 seconds it only appears on the list (in file manager stops showing its size) and if i try to...